7 Powerful Journal Prompts to Help You Tap Into Your Intuition

(originally posted on March 14, 2019)

Am I the only one who loves flipping through my old journal entries? It's seriously one of my favorite things to do.

If I’m having a bad day, curl me up with my journal, some hot tea and chocolate, and give me 5 minutes. Re-reading these old entries can change my perspective and mood in a matter of minutes.

I've spent the past few years learning how to tap into and connect with my intuition.

Honestly, there's countless ways to do it. And there really isn't one right way. I’ve found that the easiest place to start is with journaling, though.

It’s an amazing way to get all of those thoughts out of your head.

And when you clear out your thoughts, you create more space for ease and peace and less overwhelm.

It’s also an incredible opportunity to intentionally slow down and come into the present moment. It takes your focus off your to do list, and requires that you focus on what you’re experiencing right now in the present moment. Both of these are a beautiful recipe for more easily accessing your intuition.

As you’re learning to tap into your intuition, it’s also incredibly helpful to keep a record of what your intuition has guided you with to look back on. It helps increase your trust and confidence in your intuition and yourself. And when you’re having a bad day, which is inevitable, you’ll have these amazing reminders to flip back through.

I have several go-to questions that I journal through almost daily to connect with my intuition and feel more aligned; it’s a practice I do most every morning.

There’s infinite questions you can use to tap into your intuition…

I want to share with you 7 questions and journal prompts I find incredibly powerful that you can use to tap into your intuition. First, though, here are a few of my best tips for using journaling to tap into your intuition:

1// Open your journal and write down the question.

2// Close your eyes and take 3 deep breaths. This helps you disconnect from one of your most powerful senses (sight) and connect with what’s going on inside.

3// Open your eyes and free write. Write anything and everything that comes to mind. Don’t judge it. If it feels like it’s coming from your ego, that’s OK. Write it down. Get it out. Keep writing.

4// Once you’re done, re-read what you’ve written and underline or highlight anything that feels like peace or ease or excitement. These nuggets are probably coming from your intuition.

7 Powerful Journal Prompts and Questions to Help you More Deeply Tap Into Your Intuition

1.  What do I need to know right now?

2.  What is this feeling here to teach me?

3. How can I feel more peace right now in this moment?

4. Imagine you’re really your five-year-old self living in your adult body. Write him/her a letter of advice and truth from your older, wiser, current self.

5. What am I being called to let go of right now?

6. If I were to fully trust myself with this decision, what would that look like?

7. Write out the following four statements leaving room to fill them in: “I want…”, “I need…”, “I’m ready for…”, “I am…” Now close your eyes, take a few deep breaths, open your eyes and fill in the blanks. You can write as much or as little as you would like.

So, here's my invitation for you today, my love … Carve out some quiet time and space just for you. It doesn't take an entire hour or even thirty minutes. If you've got 5 or ten minutes, great. Start there. Pick one of the questions above. And start with the four steps I shared earlier: Write down the question. Close your eyes. Take 3 deep breaths. Then open your eyes and free write.


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