What Your Intuition Really Is and How to Build this Relationship
Discover the true divine nature of your intuition and learn how to cultivate a connection with the inner-wisdom that is guiding you through this life. There is so much more to this life than what you can see, feel, hear, and touch with your physical senses. Understanding what your intuition really is and how to tune in can support you in awakening your connection to the non-physical guidance that you feel guiding you forward and help you feel more confident, empowered, and at ease in your everyday life.

How to Easily Tap Into Your Intuition using Tapping (What is your intuition saying?)
There are those key moments when you find yourself wondering, “what is my intuition saying right now?” and it feels difficult to tune in. I created this guided tapping session for those very moments to help you learn how to hear your inner wisdom. It all begins with slowing down and tapping in, and tapping is a beautiful practice that can help you do exactly that. As you learn how to trust your intuition, you’re going to feel a whole new world awakening within you. It’s beautiful.

5 Interesting Things About Tapping (Emotional Freedom Technique) That You May Not Know
Whether you are totally new to tapping or have already experienced the magic of this practice, I’m going to share with you 5 things you may not know that make this such a powerful healing practice. And they may surprise you...!

What is Past Life Regression?
Whether you’re in the midst of a spiritual awakening (or only the beginning) or you’re on a life-long spiritual journey, the insight that you can gain from a past life regression session can have a profound impact on your life.

What is Spiritual Hypnotherapy?
Hypnosis is a tool that allows you to tap into and access deeper, more expansive levels of consciousness. Using a deep state of trance, in Spiritual Hypnosis you can go much deeper than the subconscious to open and access the portal to your soul-conscious.
What is EFT Tapping?
Through tapping’s ability to calm the nervous system, clear unprocessed emotions and trauma, and reprogram the mind-body response, you can find a more grounded way of being that allows you to feel more whole, more free, and more empowered as you more through your days.

4 Questions that will Help you Step into Your Power and Confidently be you
What would it feel like to release all the parts of me that I’ve been holding onto because someone else said they were important?

7 Powerful Journal Prompts to Help You Tap Into Your Intuition
I've spent the past few years learning how to tap into and connect with my intuition. Honestly, there's countless ways to do it. And there really isn't one right way. I’ve found that the easiest place to start is with journaling, though.

What I Learned from Trusting My Intuition for 30 Days Straight
Several months ago, I embarked on a 30-day personal challenge to listen to and act on my intuition all day, every day. I expected it to transform my life in some magical way … waltzing into my life like a fairy godmother and turning pumpkins into carriages and strangers into famous friends. I know it sounds crazy, but I really expected it to be the most magical experience. And the truth is, it was. Just not the kind of magic I imagined it would be.